Friday, December 14, 2018

Comments on Adam Lambert's Instagram video of Michael Jackson

A post shared by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

adamlambert LOL ❤️ u MJ - miss u

reevecarney This is so good... 😍🙌🏻😂🤣💯


jskystyle Classic clip. 😫

therealcarmit Wow

churchboutique @adamlambert Brilliant!

jovancarrington I don’t like it tho...🤷🏽‍♂️

javicostapolo Hahaha! 😘

nyclyric Am I taking this wrong do not like touring I'm sorry but I love that you are and I appreciate u for all your hard work ..I can only imagine cuz it's work .. PLEASE CONTINUE TO #WERK cuz I'm working to come see you tour with #queen next year ...if u don't know u bring so much happiness and to so many

adamlambert @nyclyric yeah you’re taking it wrong. I reposted the video because it’s funny

iheartadamlambert Just curious ... do you like to tour Adam?

adamlambert @iheartadamlambert yes I thrive off of it! :) I always feel more charged and inspired

iheartadamlambert @adamlambert Glad to know it. Because we love when you tour and Glamberts come from all over and hang together. You unite us ?￰゚リリ?

staftyy @adamlambert hahah. You obviously forget this is Instagram and everything that you post must be a hint or signal for something else

adamlambert @staftyy lol

elemental_dancer @adamlambert I was pretty sure this post was supposed to be funny and not some sort of meta commentary. After all, if this had been a sly hint that you hate touring it would be pretty ironic because you’re on tour an awful lot!

elemental_dancer I’ve been thinking about the cult of celebrity a lot recently, about how hard it must be to have everyone want a piece of you (sometimes literally!) The business can eat you alive if you don’t have these moments of truth and humor!

adamlambert @elemental_dancer amen

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Adam Lambert's Valentine's Day Twitter Party from New Zealand February 14, 2018 2/14/18 14/2/18

🐎💗🐎 Adam & grayjoey in Oahu

Read from the bottom up. 

  1. Love to all of u! Happy V Day!
  2. I love Xtina! Been a fan of hers since the beginning. :)

  3. Still writing!! Still exploring. :) thanks for your patience. ;)

  4. Yes we both gave her away :)

  5. The ones written by my pals and ;)

  1. The loyalty. The patience. :) the joy!

  2. 2 people. It’s important to breath and not get panicked. Hahha.

  3. I would love to sing w Demi again! (We did Glee). She’s such a badass strong woman. I have lots of respect for her and her talent.

  4. No. Not yet! Hahah

  5. Nope.

  6. I think I got that out of my system. Lol.

  7. I THINK. Gonna work on it tomorrow. :) I just bring stuff from home and order stuff online for the shows a little before hand. I don’t make too big a deal outta it these days.

  8. Not exactly. There will be music out this year. That i know.

  9. Really!!? What sport?

  10. Yes there are a few that I have never done live that would be fun to sing.

  11. Hell yeah! Hahha. Gets me in the zone.

  12. Thus far.... :) I anticipate the project evolving over the next few months , so that may change.

  13. No.

  14. Probably written about 35ish. Not far enough in the process to pick a single. Still lots to be done.

  15. Depends on how many drinks I’ve had.

  16. Sometimes. :)

  17. Naw it’s really peaceful.

  18. I don’t know that yet.

  19. Yeah if it worked out schedule wise!

  20. The opportunities were there and I couldn’t resist performing for all you amazing fans all over Europe.

  21. This Tweet is unavailable.
  22. I love listening to Bob Marley when I’m sitting on the beach. Cocktail and maybe some green..... paradise.

  23. No darlin- that was last summer.

  24. It’s basically all of my influences rolled into my own special blend...

  25. He stays w my Dad and Amy. And Hazel!

  26. With all of you!!!!

  27. Hawaii to NZ isn’t that bad

  28. I have been working really hard on it! The album is gonna be yummy!

  29. Ok! it’s late for the US, but I’m down under now- hit me!

  30. Rosie, I am the lucky one! I have some pretty incredible friends.

